into the Unknown...

Chapter Eight


"The greater the knowledge, the keener the pain". Though the world's dreameri are sufficiently endowed with  knowledge of a transcendent order, they are denied knowledge of  the price their dreams will exact. Perhaps  it is well that such is the case; otherwise the world might never learn of the dreams.

As the dreamer of 1926-27 could not foresee the flagellation his dream would inflict, neither could he anticipate the stupendous forces to be mustered for his drpam's con-firmation. It was almost twenty years to  a day, in October, 1946, when the most powerful force for confirmation began to (unction beyond his most ardent expectations. It brought realization of  his hopes of twenty years before, when he had visited another  of tne world's pioneering eccentrics in the person of Dr. Robert Goddard at Clark University at Wor-cester, Massachusetts. Dr. Goddard was  then painstakingly experimenting with rocket construction in his cell-like laboratory at the university. He too was denied funds for the perfection of  his particular dream. And he heard the customary mockery reserved for dreamers of all ages. 

Though  there  was  then  realized  the  possibilities  of  Physical Continuity's  confirmation  through  the medium of  the  rocket,  there was  little  expectation  of  the  rocket's  early  per-fection  and  the extraordinary part  it was destined  to play  in procuring  confirming data. Hence  there was  unrestrained  enthusiasm when,  in October, 1946,  the  U.S.  Naval  Research  Bureau's  V-2 Rocket  was sensationally  projected  into  the  perpetual  stratosphere  darkness beyond  the  sky enveloping  the desert community of White Sands, New Mexico. There,  at  the  altitude of  sixty-five miles,  its  camera developed  from  the  terrestrial  sky  area  being  photographed  an undeniable  replica  of  that  which  had  been  described  as  early  as 1927. 

That  original  photograph  over  White  Sands  conformed  in almost every  respect with  the  revolutionary drawing of 1930. The only difference was that the rocket's drift devel-oped an angle view of  the  disk  areas  presented  by  the  drawing.  Had  the  photograph been on the perpendicular, there would have been developed one of the  drawing's  luminous  disk  areas. That  original  1930  drawing  of terrestrial  sky-light  illusions  has  been  reproduced  as  Figure  4.  It merits reader observation and study, because it is the key for realizing factual Universe values. 

The U.S. Navy's rocket camera photographs proved that any camera lens at sufficient stratosphere altitude will show every  photographed  outer  sky  area  of  the  Earth  as  a  luminous and  deceptively  globular  and  isolated  entity,  or  "body".  The photograph contains an angle view of  the disk; a photograph on the  perpendicular  would  show  one  of  the  assumed  "isolated bodies"  tclescopieally  observed  of  the  celestial.  It  pro\-ed  the illusion  in  centuries  of astronomical observation  of  the universe about  us,  for  the  luminous  disk  surface  area must  impose  the delusion of an isolated globular "body."   

In  the  light  of  such  sensational  rocket-camera  performance within  infinity's dark  stratosphere corridor, high hope was  held  for  the  photograph's  influence.  It was  reasonably believed  that  the  photograph  would  arouse  the  lethargic guardians of  the mathematical Universe  and  afford  realization of the sky-light illusions of the ages. However, in spite of such  memorable  achievement,  there  was  no  apparent awakening  of  the  self-appointed  arbiters  of  the  Universe pattern.  Tneir  evident  lack  of  discernment  accentuated  the Christly  dictum:  "None  are  so  bhnd  as  they  who  will  not see". Accordingly,  even  as  the  remorseless  truth  of  previous unorthodox  disclosure was  presented,  the  gtobular misconception caused  the development of a series of misinterpretations of  that photograph and others  that  followed. The isinterpretations represent  forlorn attempts  to keep  intact  the fallacious mental portrait of a mathematically  isolated globe Earth. Though stratosphere photographs of  terrestrial outer skv areas hold abundant proof that globularity and isolation are illusory, their message is too profound for understanding and acceptance.   

"My truth is the truth". So say we all. It is sacred, and it must be preserved, even  though  it contradicts  fact Hence  to escape  the reality which would dethrone  the accepted  truth, the terrestrial  sky-area  photograph  at  sixty-five  miles  was concluded  to  be  an  area  of  the  distant  celestial.  That  conclusion,  though  lacking  foundation,  stemmed  from  the  assumption  that  the  rocket  camera  had  tilted  as  the  rocket, reaching its flight limit in the stratosphere, turned and began its descent, and the first photograph was assumed to be a segment of a celestial "globe body" millions of miles away. 

The fact remains that the camera need not have tilted, as assumed Hie mere turning of the rocket in its gliding, or drifting, descent would have caused the camera to record at an angle the globular terrestrial sky area which the rocket was approaching. Subsequent photographs over the same terrestrial sky area confirmed the latter conclusion. 

It is readily perceived that in the rocket's turning the camera lens could not reproduce the  entire terrestrial sky area  as  it  would  have  been  photographed  on  the  perpendicular. Hence at the second of rocket tiiming only an arc of the completed disk sky area could be detected by the lens. It resulted in an incomplete disk area being shown. (One should not confuse such a view of a completed disk with Profesor Piccard's earlier photofraph, which held an incomplete upturned disk)  The  camera  lens's  function was  not  changed. It was  developing a disk  through detection at an angle. Thereafter, it was  compelled  to produce only angles of a disk because  the rocket continued to drift. There was no chance for a perpendicular  photograph  of  the  sky  area.  Had  there  been, the photographs after  rocket  turning would have  shown a complete  disk  area  comparable  to  those  of  Figure  4. Naturally, when any one of  such disk areas  is detected,  it must deceptively appear  to be  isolated. There must appear  to be  space between  the disk  sky areas. That  is what provides  the basis for the isolation misconception. 

The lens that was capable of converging luminous terrestrial  sky area at a distance of hiry-fivc miles was  therefore assumed  to  have  photographed  a  celestial  area  assumed  tu be millions of miles away. Very interesting.

To avoid any possibility of confusion, let us assert thai the figure  fifty-five miles is accurate. Though the rocket's altitude was sixty-five miles,  it was only fifty-five miles from the outer sky surface being photographed. The distance from the Earth's surface to the sky  is from seven to teu miles; the ten-mile  figure  is  utilized  here  for  convenience,  and  the difference  between  seven  and  ten  miles  has  little  or  no meaning for the illustration.


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