Chapter Six
"EARTH's.. Sky-Light" ROAD
"The Lens is the Culprit,
And the Deception is the Crime."
Figure 4 is reproduced from the 1930 original released to the science editors of press syndicates in NewYork City. It is intended to show lens deceptions experienced in all observations of the Earth's luminous outer sky surface from stratosphere darkness and from other land areas of the Universe. It was also intended to indicate the lens deceptions resulting from telescopic observation of luminous celestial areas.
Though the drawing was made prior to any confirming photographs of stratosphere ascension or rocket flights, it may now be viewed as reality, because of the V-2-rocket photographic confirmation since October, 1946.
1) The land area, as indicated at the bottom of the draw-ing, represents the accustomed location in our observation of the familiar blue sky between New York City and Chicago. In looking up, or out, from such land positions—or from any other land position of the Earth—we observe the blue sky of varying depth, or density, from time to time and from place to place.
2) The sharp norizonal curves are never experienced with such sharp angles. The abrupt termination of the horizon is here required to complete the illustration. It imposes lines of demarcation between the various land communities. It also permits simultaneous view of inner and outer sky curvature. The outer are to be observed only from stratosphere darkness and from other land areas of the Universe.
3) The region between represents the seven- to ten-mile distance from land to blue sky. The distance varies over the Earth, and over the Universe whole. Inhabitants of other land areas of the Universe can view no other blue sky than their own. They cannot see our immediate blue sky, but they do see our outer sky surface as we see their outer sky surface. At night, they view our sky's outer surface areas, and every sky area, as here depicted, is luminous and deceptively globular. Hence the deceptive globularity imposes the appearance of isolation. Accordingly, our terrestrial area appears to other inhabitants of the Universe as the same isolated "stars" and "planets" as their areas appear to our observation. Our sky areas make their "Heavens above," as their sky areas make our "Heavens above".
4) The dark area of the illustration above the sky areas represents the stratosphere, which extends indefinitely. As is encroaches upon terrestrial sky areas, it likewise exists over all other sky areas of the Universe.
5) The luminous and disk-like outer sky areas show how the gaseous blue sky of terrestrial land observation becomes luminous against the dark stratosphere. The lens detecting such luminous areas, which we definitely know are not globular and isolated, is compelled by its function to create the curves that produce the luminous disk areas as illustrated. Each disk area must, as previously explained, impose that further illusion of a body. The celestial "bodies" of astronomy are precisely what the illustration describes.
Hence from a distance we see the illustration's luminous disk-like areas as true disk surfaces. Likewise do we observe luminous celestial sky surface areas, the so-called "stars" and "planets" of astronomical assumption. And inhabitants of celestial land areas view luminous areas of our sky in precisely the same manner as we observe luminous areas of their sky. In sharing our lens illusions, as they must, they manner that we have been deprived of physical journey to their land.
Since the drawing could have no purpose if the complete disks were shown, it portrays only half disks, or a series of luminous arcs. That is all that is really required, inasmuch as that alone is what the most powerful telescopes are able to detect throughout the Universe. If the lower blue-sky areas of the illustration were obscured as one held the illus-tration at arm's length and observed from the top of the page, one would discern that any area shown would appear as a disk from distant observation. As explained earlier, when that deceptive lens-formed disk area is detected, the mind automatically supplies the fullness which completes the disk and imposes the delusion of a "globe body". Every luminous outer sky area of the Earth and the Universe about the Earth must, through lens function and only thereby, be de-tected as a disk-like area illustratively presented, and it is then assumed to be a globe, and the illusory globe must appear to be isolated.
It should be understood that every luminous arc, or disk-like sky area as illustrated, possesses width as well as length. Since there are nine luminous sky areas in the distance, or length, of stratosphere course from New York City tD Chicago, each area should be considered approximately one hundred and eleven miles in diameter, to make the approximate thousand miles between New York City and Chicago. It may be considered that in the flight machine photographing that sky course there will be a lens of sufficient power to embrace an area one hundred and eleven miles wide.
Accordingly, as this particular stratosphere tourney to Chicago extends in north to northwesterly direction, there would be photographed nine luminous, globular, and isolated "bodies" on the direct course. And photographs made at an angle to the direct course would show numerous other luminous rounded and isolated "bodies", their number depending on stratosphere altitude and camera lens power plus the photographing angle. The intensity of gaseous sky content prevailing at the time of photographing would likewise Influence the number of "bodies" to be detected by the camera lens.
The group arrangement of Figure 4 is intended to convey how every luminous terrestrial sky area would appear; but such necessary illustrative grouping of sky areas does not permit the luminous sky areas to be separated, or isolated, as they will appear from distant observation. It should be understood that, when observed individually, the lumi-nous curving-down of each depicted sky area causes it deceptively to appear separated and isolated as a distinct unit, or "body". No lens can detect and record more than one of the luminous disk areas at a given time. That feature, as previously shown, was proved by the U.S. Navy's rocket-camera photographs of luminous terrestrial sky areas over White Sands, New Mexico, and adjacent territory.
As the illustration's thousand-mile photographing experi-ment Is in progress from New York City to Chicago, other similar experiments over the sky of corresponding thousand-mile areas can be moving in the stratosphere from Los Angeles and from Montreal, London, Berlin, Moscow, and Rome. They would all be procuring identical photographs over their respective luminous sky areas. There could be variation in the quality and the quantity of light shading and distortion in some photographs over different sky areas. If the cameras of the different photographing expeditions possessed varying lens power, that would result in there being more or less luminous and isolated terrestrial sky-area "globes" photographed over different routes. However, If the same lens power is utilized in all cameras over all routes and if the same altitude is maintained, the photographic results will be approximately the same.
The qualification, approximately, is In order because conditions prevailing at the time of photographing some thousand-mile areas would vary with conditions prevailing elsewhere and with those of the thousand-mile area from which the numerical standard was developed. Gaseous condition of the various luminous sky areas could influence detection or mitigate against the possibility of detecting certain sky armeas. The photographing angle would also ouulillmie to numerical finding.
Thus, at this point one may have acquired some vague concept of the deceptive isolated terrestrial Universe that our luminous outer sky areas present to all observers from beyond the Earth, One needs out briefly consider the number of luminous isolated "globes" to be detected over a single thousand-mile area of the Earth's entire luminous outer sky surface. Naturally, the number of isolated "globes" to be detected can be expected to vary depending upon lens power, restricting angles of lens focus, ana conditions existing at various terrestrial sky areas. In the latter consideration, stratosphere elements and gaseous sky content and expression would be factors.
It is reasonable to assume that a lens with greater power will embrace a wider terrestrial sky area than a weaker lens can. But the more powerful lens cannot detect as many "isolated globes" over a restricted sky area because of the fact that, by embracing a larger sky area, there will be an overlapping of the more numerous areas to be detected by the weaker lens. Where the weaker lens might show twenty or more isolated sky areas in one hundred miles of sky surface, the stronger lens might be expected to detect only ten or twelve, or even fewer.
However, the numbers here used are meaningless other than for comparison. No numerical accuracy is intended or required. The primary and broader purpose of the 1930 illustration was to express that all astronomical observations of so-called stellar areas are products of the Inescapable lens deceptions which must be duplicated in every detail in telescopic observation and photography of luminous outer sky surface areas of the Earth, Realization of lens deceptions in the sky over our own back yard eloquently proves that telescopic observations of the osjssetasl deal only with unrounded and connected celestial sky surface areas. And it is the Individual concept which mistakenly "bestows the statue of 'globe' on celestial sky surface areas after the detecting lens has provided the area with a disk appearance".
There should be great need for stressing this factor after three hundred yean of mathematical astronomy which, in detecting some and conjecturing other luminous surface areas of the celestial sky, has developed the dictum extraordinary that the disk area of lens production is actually the "globe" which concept harbors. To avoid possibility of mis-understanding this paramount- feature dealing with illusion and delusion, it may be further clarified as follows: The unreal "globe' which was sired by the unreal disk (because the lens alone was responsible for the disk) is astronomically established as a factual entity in the world of things. Is it not astounding?
Fortunately, current rocket-camera photographs of luminous outer terrestrial sky surface areas make it possible for the first time in history to check and compare astronomical observations. That checking and comparing was denied to telescopic observation for many centuries. And it has since been denied to astronomy's hired assistants, telescopic pho-tography and spectroscopic analysis. However, it has now proved the complete fantasy of isolated globes or spheres circling or ellipsing in space."
Though the unprecedented opportunity for checking and comparing assumed conditions or celestial finding with factual conditions of terrestrial finding is now available to astronomy, it is questionable if the astronomical fraternity will take advantage of it "We see onlv that which we want to see. And we believe no more than that which we want to believe." Hence, primed observations are as dubious as spies. Nevertheless, though primed observations may be known to be so untrustworthy, such primed observations are retained as companions because that seems to be the easiest course. To reject them would impose an effort and a responsibility,
Since rocket-camera photographs have established that the deceptions of lens function are inescapable, it follows that, once the telescopic finding is accepted at its face value, deducing robots instead of human astronomers may as well check the lens findings. What the astronomers may interpret of the telescopic-photographic plates becomes entirely irrelevant, if the lens error reproduced on the plates is accepted as fact. Alas, the astronomer seems to be painfully reluctant to admit that proof of the error is at hand.
It is pertinent to explain that the identical spectrum variations of celestial analysis, will be found to apply to luminous outer surface sky areas of the Earth. The same misinterpretation of values will ensue. And with realization of the terrestrial sky areas factual values, the misinterpretation of celestial values should become manifest.
Though terrestrial sky areas are known to be continuous and holding their allotted place in the Universe structure, their billowing or fluctuating within the cosmic area of their original construction and placement will be accredited the same fantastic motions astronomically prescribed for the so-called "stars" and "planets" of celestial sky areas. When terrestrial sky areas are analyzed from the same distance and with the same astronomical equipment, their gaseous content and movement will produce all that which celestial sky gas produces for spectrum analysis of terrestrial astronomers.
However, from our celestial observatory we would not dream of interpreting the spectrum recordings as astrono-mers now interpret the recordings from celestial sky areas. With knowledge of our terrestrial sky we would know better. Thus, returning to the illustrative thousand-mile course of terrestrial sky-fight illusions, we find that the stratosphere journey from New York City to Chicago at an altitude of one Hundred miles or more must develop the following observational and photographic conclusions: The deceptively globular and isolated luminous sky areas would require seeing the "planet" of New York City. Then, in the order designated, there would be seen the "star" of Albany and the planets" or "stars" of Utica, Syracuse, Rochester, and Buffalo. Then at an angle from the main line of perpendicular observation over the cities of New York State would be observed the "star" of Erie, Pennsylvania. As the course continued toward Chicago there the "planets" of Cleveland and Detroit would loom. Other vague "star" scatterings would be observable in all directions away from the direct course being photographed on the perpendicular.
Every thousand-mile area of the luminous terrestrial sky would present the same deceptive appearance. And the sky areas would show corresponding celestial sky variations of luminosity due to variations of the chemical content and gaseous activity of the respective terrestrial sky areas. (Though this may be repetitious, it should here be explained that the familiar blue sky's varying depth, or blueness, ob-servable from time to time and from place to place at the same time, actuates variation of the outer sky's luminosity).
The following feature also serves as an agent for the lens developed illusions of record. The torrid equatorial and the frigid Arctic and Antarctic sky areas would oe shown to possess marked difference in the depth of their luminosity when compared with the luminosity of Temperate Zone sky areas. That would mean very little if the Universe whole contained but one torrid and two frigid zones as now known at terrestrial level. However, the zones of the terrestrial are duplicated over and over again throughout the Universe whole. That factor influences difference in light waves and colors now registered from luminous sky areas of the celestial which ere otherwise of the same composition. Corresponding differences for corresponding reasons would be shown to develop from terrestrial sky areas.
Were we to increase the hundred-mile altitude to five thousand miles, the sky area of the illustration's course from New York City to Chicago would loom as a wide layer of "stars." Then, as our telescope was adjusted at an angle for observation of the sky territory northeast of New York Cfty, there would be detected sky area "stars" of Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts. The number of "stars", "star clusters", and "double stars" to be detected over that sky area would depend on lens power and other conditions previously described.
The extent of our stratosphere search for terrestrial sky "stars" could continue over the Atlantic Ocean beyond Boston. "Stars" detected at such points would represent the rimof the terrestrial stars area first detected at New York City. And detection of "sour'' would not be restricted to a direct eastern area. As it embraced the area from New York City to Boston In an easterly direction, It would also embrace a wide area in a northerly direction to the Canadian border and south to the Gulf of Mexico.
Under telescopic observation some sky areas would become vaguer, whue others of the same area would be more luminous. The more luminous might appear at the Atlantic Ocean rim, and the vaguest might be detected in near-by Connecticut. Other sky-light areas would appear so vague as to make for the determination that no sky luminosity, and therefore no sky, existed at such points. The detection of sky luminosity, celestial and terrestrial, does not depend solely upon distance from the observing point.
Nortn, east, south, and west, our terrestrial sky light would reproduce that which is presented by celestial light. The extent of our view, of the Earth sky's "Heavens above" would depend on the angle of observation in the stratosphere, the power of the detecting lens, and the gaseous condition of the most remote sky areas at the time of observation. At altitudes of one thousand to five thousand miles in the stratosphere, the most powerful telescopic lenses and their companion camera lenses would likewise record all the grotesque entities presently recorded of the luminous outer sky surface areas over the land of other parts of the Universe. Such recording would be of sky areas over the known land of New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts, as well as over the water of the Atlantic Ocean. Hence they could readily be determined as the illusory condition considered to be real when the same entities are observed over celestial land areas.
The astronomically recorded "Horse's Head in the great nebula In Orion" and "the spiral nebulae in Cygnus" would be reproduced in certain terrestrial sky areas where the play of sky gases plus lens magnification would develop such gaseous formations. And if the light distortion appealing as a dark form in the terrestrial sky area was not defined as the "Horse's Head" in the celestial sky light of astronomy's Orion, it could readily be designated something else related to horse anatomy. Such designation would not obscure the fact that it is nothing but sky-light distortion.
That which applies to the dark formation in luminous sky area likewise applies to the white formation in the astronomical "nebula of Cygnus". The ectoplasm-like white veil, or film, of the Cygnus sky-light area will be duplicated In terrestrial sky light It may be found to develop in the sky light making the "stars" of Portland, Old Orchard, and Kennebunk, Maine. Or it could as readily be observed in the terrestrial sky-light "star" of Kalamazoo, Michigan, That sky-gas condition which astronomy is pleased to describe as the "nebula of Cygnus" has already been photographed in the luminous terrestrial sky over White Sands, New Mexico. And it could be reproduced in ever so many terrestrial sky areas under conditions favorable to its formation.
Another interesting observation from the haloed realm of astronomical deduction is that dealing with the "nebula M-31 in Andromeda." Though it is conveniently mathematized as being thirty-five hundred million times the weight of the Sun, it can be readily dissipated under lens magnification. This expresses' the ultimate of abstraction in the application of abstract mathematics. Despite such estimated sky-gas weight, a telescopic lens can dissipate the so-called "nebula" formation. Yet trie lens cannot penetrate through the gas density to the underlying land.
The depth of abstraction becomes evident as one realizes that there cannot possibly be an authentic gauge for the Sun's mass. And any weight estimate is absurd. Though it fits the Universe of Illusion, it can have no application to the Universe of reality. It is comparable to an estimate concerning the birth and ancestry of God. One need not burden conceptional capacity in a forlorn attempt to determine the meaning of that figure thirty-five hundred million times the weight of the Sun.
Regardless of how one cares to view the application of abstract mathematics and the real meaning of so-called "nebula", the paramount fact remains that no sky-gas motion, seeming or real, has any bearing whatever on the realistic connected land existing under all sky areas. For reasons abundantly disclosed, sky areas must be considered isolated. The art of astronomy, though impotent to penetrate the gaseous celestial sky envelope, regardless of what its density may be, is restricted to observation and analysis of luminous Sky-areas and the movement of their gases. And astronomy s failure to grant that "nebula" is an aspect of sky-gas motion fosters gross misinterpretation of cosmic values.
Experimentation proves that in observation of light and luminous areas there will at times be formed grotesque creations. At other times the formations will be dissipated. It depends considerably on the angle of observation, the gaseous movement of the luminous area at the time of observation, and the amount of magnification of the light or luminous area.
Microscopic observations clearly express such features, though there exists in microscopy a possibility of error which is infinitesimal in comparison with the unlimited possibilities for telescopy. Observations of a microscopic field establish that too much magnification of the field's specimen will cause it to be obscured, whereas a different light quantity will dis-tort the specimen. Hence in a factual study of lens capaciousness it is established that the important feature is not so much what is observed but, rather, how and under what conditions observations are made.
In spite of claims to the contrary, abstract mathematics and their competent mechanical aids and guides can in no way correct the structurally inherent lens culpability. Size and power of a lens has nothing to do with the error of lens principle. A thousand-inch lens cannot eliminate the error, out it can and will "magnify the error".
From the enviable thousand-mile observation point in the stratosphere, the "Heavens above" would be observed everywhere and at every angle of observation. Every luminous outer sky area over the entire Earth, or as much of the Earth s sky that could be detected, would present a vista of the "Heavens above". The terrestrial appearance in no way differs from that of celestial sky areas observed from the terrestrial. The rhythmic shift of light motion within some luminous outer sky areas of the terrestrial would also present the same characteristics under spectrum analysis as presently found in the light of celestial sky areas. And that correspond-ing activity would cause it to appear that the "star" of East St Louis, or some other terrestrial sky area, would be burning up its terrestrial orbit at a devastating rate. And it would deceptively appear to be circling toward our observation point in the stratosphere.
On the other hand, it might appear to be as rapidly receding from our position and away from its normal location. The appearance of approaching or receding would depend upon the intensity and motion of sky gases at that particular place when observation was made. Such condition would deceptively appear when in fact nothing was going anywhere, either toward or away from our stratosphere observation point.
Some terrestrial sky areas would seem to flicker, or fluctuate. The motion of some areas would appear to be constant and therefore imperceptible as motion. The motion of others would appear to be variable. And the constancy or variability of terrestrial sky-light morion would correspond to that recorded by the light curves from celestial sky-light areas. However, with the physical knowledge possessed of our Earth's sky, no reasoning person could ever ascribe to such motions of terrestrial sky light that which astronomy interprets from identical motions in celestial sky light.
Celestial and terrestrial sky luminosity and the motions of such light have a common heritage. They are of the same Universe family. Further, one is as continuous with the other as the circulating blood of the human body which actuates the left side as well as the right side, and thereby nourishes the entire body.
Mathematical astronomy has not, and will not, detect that obvious continuity feature from lenses and figures. That feature, being of the Universe of reality, was not entrusted to the uncertainty of abstract figures and symbols. Though such figures and symbols are endowed with precision and positiveness, the endowment applies to and Dements only the unreal mathematical Universe.
In analysis of light waves from various so-called "star" areas of the Universe at times two spectra are observed to move back and forth. They prescribe, or there is prescribed, a waving or undulating motion of the sky light under analysis. The astronomer's conclusion must be that such duality of motion presupposes dual entitles in motion. He does not consider the motions attributable to sky gases. If he did, he would be empowered to consider many other features this book contains. Instead, when spectroscopic examination confirms the dual motion, the astronomer must assume that confirmation has been had of two distinct entities, or "bodies," whereas in reality all that the astronomer's eyes, the telescope and earners, the spectrum and the spectroscope, have established is that dual motion is taking place in the celestial sky-light area.
It should be further noted that none of the observations and tests have anything to do-wilhJand areas of the Universe underlying the sky light being tested. They are restricted to a determination of celestial sky-light content and activity. They are impotent to deal with the land existent under the sky light. Though there is land under all celestial and terrestrial sky light, there is no "body" in motion, to say nothing of two separate "bodies" in motion. The ever-active sky gases are responsible for all detected motion. Other factors may influence the portrait of motion which the lens detects. They also influence the spectrum.
Hence it is nothing more formidable than the misinterpretation of sky-gas motion which leads to the conclusion of "spectroscopic binaries", or "double stars", in mis particular instance of celestial sky-light analysis. Duality ot gas motion can exist But duality of "bodies" can never exist, for the reason that there are no celestial "bodies" to have motion.
That particular astronomical feature was embraced by the original treatise Phytical Continuum as early as 1927. There it was disclosed that every sky area of the Earth would, through the inundating motion of gaseous content, deceptively appear to be circling or revolving. That 1927 claim has application to the entire Universe. It discounted astronomical interstellar space and the circling or ellipslng of assumed isolated "bodies" in restricted space orbits. Orbits are definitely not required for the motions of luminous sky eases over land areas that are connected throughout the Universe and are not "circling or ellipsing in space."
Energy in motion is restricted to waves of varying length and intensity. All of modern enterprise establishes that feature of natural law. And the active sky gases of the terrestrial and the celestial conform to the principle of motion. What deceptively appears to be happening should be known as illusory by modern astronomers. Then would they be able to discount the seeming celestial conditions which perpetuate and enlarge upon the primary illusion developed by lens function.
Another of the many extra ordinary features of astro-mathematical confusion is that which grants so-called "nebula" centers composed, of gas, and then proceeds to mathematize that such gas is formative in the stratosphere as the nucleus of "star" matter. Such a wayward conclusion results from the fact that the central regions of some luminous celestial sky areas under observation defy penetration and dissipation of their light by the most powerful lenses. Hence such concentrated central points are mathematized and assumed to be something different and remote from the remainder of the sky area.
This observation is one that brings mathematician-astronomers to the door of reason. But, alas, they refuse to enter. Such observation should show that the substance, deceptively appearing to be formative in the stratosphere and apparently alienated from the central luminous sky area, is gas movement of the sky-light area. In a case of this kind the astronomer comes so close to the truth that it is painful to realize how bis misconception of values demands that he adhere to the faulty premise and forsake the truth so glaringly presented.
It seems that something pertaining here was mentioned about two thousand years ago by the immortal Master of parables, who pronounced: "None are so blind as they who will not see."
That intensification of sky light in some areas, celestial and terrestrial, is a very natural condition. And it is related to the following. As one looks at the massed luminous coals of a furnace fire, the fire's luminous area, with the exception of the center, may under intent observation be broken up into viewable formations. The center, in holding the concentrativc force of the fire and emitting the greatest light, must defeat any effort to see it as other than a vast concentration of impenetrable light and heat. Nor can its light be dissipated. If the observer of such a furnace fire were at sufficient distance, and if he had not had direct experience with such accumulation of heat and light, he would be compelled to conclude that the border areas of the fire concentration were different in substance and detached from the central area. Yet composition of the central area would be no different than the fiery matter viewable at the extremities of such an intense luminous center. Every area would be continuous with the center.
Nevertheless, astro-mathematical calculations develop the fallacy that the center luminosity, not amenable to lens dissipation, is of a different model and is isolated from the extremities of that same center. Actually, the central concentration of a luminous sky-gas area bears the same relation to the remainder of the detected sky luminosity as the furnace-fire center is related to the extremities of the fire accumulation.
The problem is resolved as follows. The gas mass of average sky light is readily lens-detected in "star" proportion, whereas extraordinary gas mass content prohibits lens dissipation of the sky light. Accordingly, there can be lens detection and "star" formation only of those parts of the luminousarea having less concentration than the central area. Hence the center invites the conclusion that it is a remote "body".
The furnace-fire center invited the same conclusion. Hence the entire area is a "nebula." And in a Universe of reality, any "nebula" is but an aspect of luminous sky gas and light manifested throughout the entire Universe.
The fascinating feature of sky-light formations from sky-gas motion becomes a double feature as we review the 1946 rocket camera's accomplishments. On that occasion a corresponding "cloud" formation was photographed within the luminous sky area over White Sands, New Mexico. It was also erroneously claimed to be a formation in the stratosphere. Hence if it were of stratosphere formation, the astronomer would have to consider it a "nebula".
Now it may be seen that something is about to happen to the mathematical astronomer's abstract figures and symbols of distance. It is to be recalled that such a white cloud-like formation was developed at the feeble distance of ninety miles from the stratosphere photographing point. It should also be recalled that a nebula" is the assumed mathematice-astronomical substance supposed to be observed only at vast distances and because of distance. It is supposed to be the stuff of which "stars" are made. Hence stars" are being made in our own back yard. Marvelous Creation!
Observe again how dangerously close astronomers come to the answer contained in lights of telescopic detection. Yet they will not see that the so-called "nebula" is part of celestial and terrestrial sky light and that its detection anywhere is an expression of sky-gas function.
It matters little if the original claim concerning the stratosphere photograph is retracted. It holds that a white area of the photograph is a "nebula" in the stratosphere and that the white patch was detached from the remainder of the photograph of terrestrial sky. The self-evident fact is that such a formation cannot possibly be considered remote from the remainder of a sky area photographed at a dis-tance of only ninety miles. If it were remote it would not have appeared as part of the photograph, as it did.
Whatever determination is made of that white patch in the luminous sky area over White Sands, it demancA the discard of at least 50 percent of astro-mathematical deductions concerning the structure of the Universe and what is taking place throughout the Universe. What that U.S. Naval Research Bureau rocket camera developed cannot simultaneously be considered "nebula" and "not nebula." It cannot represent something possible only at unfathomable distance and at the same time be proved to exist in terrestrial sky light less than one hundred miles away from the photographing point.
While such sky-gas formations were concluded to exist only at assumed distance the mind cannot grasp, and while they were assumed to be celestial entities unrelated to terrestrial sky-gas development, the astronomical conclusion that they were detached from luminous celestial areas had to be accepted. Hence they were undisputedly established as elements of the astronomer's so-called interstellar space. And with the assumption that they were contained in that space rather than in the detected celestial light, they were assumed to be building material for so-called "stars".
The singular feature of this immediate exposition is that the astronomer, by concluding that his so-called "nebula" is building material for "stars, moves in a centuries-long course toward admission that Physical Continuity is a reality. But the astronomer does not know he has admitted it. If the astronomer's "nebula" builds "stars," it is gas accumulation. And Physical Continuity shows how terrestrial and celestial sky-gas accumulation must ever be considered "stars" and planets." However, the meeting of theory's abstract course with the course of reality here described would nrove to be too simple for complicated astronomy.
It should here be related that when the early Universe interpreters prepared the foundation for the elaborate astronomical framework they could in no way anticipate the rocket's development and its sensational performance. Its camera's stratosphere photographs have shattered considerable of the suppositive astronomical fabric. And as rocket camera photographs have been responsible for such magnificent accomplishment, they have brought the realistic celestial structure much closer to the terrestrial. They have also accentuated the pace of modern man's conquest of the universe about us.
In the foregoing reference to lens penetration and dissipation of celestial sky-light concentration, the word "penetration'' implies only lens ability to grasp such luminous area for the purpose of recording it. It is a case of penetrating into the luminous surface but not through the light accumu-lation of any sky-light area, celestial or terrestrial. No lens can be expected to penetrate through sky light at' the ab-struse distances conjured by astro-mathematics.
Particularly does such apply when it has been conclusively proved, by the stratosphere ascensions of 1931 and 1935 and by rocket-camera photographs since 1946, that sky light cannot be penetrated through at a distance of less than one mile in the first case and at ninety to one hundred and ninety miles in the latter case. Hence the necessarily oft-repeated description of lens function must hold. No telescopic lens can penetrate through celestial or terrestrial sky light and detect the underlying land. If lenses could so perform, and if their findings could thereafter penetrate certain interpreting substance, all the celestial problems would have been resolved when the first telescope was fashioned.
This account of lens failure to penetrate through light presupposes an absence of the light-penetrating emulsion applicable to photography. If there is a medium applicable to telescopy, it represents a very recent development and is unknown to this writer. However, even with application of such a light-penetrating medium to the camera lens, the area photographed through light must be distorted, and use of the medium will be readily detected by evident distortion of land and foliage on the Earth's surface.
The greatest boon to mankind, other than the secret of overcoming death, would be the invention which might permit telescopic observation of that which is under every light detected in the universe about us. Then this volume might not be necessary.
In what might be considered a capitulation to reason, there is observed the measure of penetrating into, but not through, the celestial sky-light surface astronomically designated "nebula M-31 in Andromeda". That celestial sky light has already received some attention here. Though the land exists under such a sky-light area, there can be no land consideration by astronomy, which deals only with the outer surface sky Light. A much different story would be unfolded by astronomy if telescopic lenses could penetrate celestial sky light, particularly at the distances supposed to be involved.
At the aforementioned celestial sky-light point, the mathematical astronomers estimate a "nebula" accumulation weighing thirty-five hundred million times the Sun's mathematized weight. If one dotes on figures, such figures should be impressive, even if no light or Sun existed for the figures of comparison. As such colossal figures are presented, it is asserted that the "nebula" mass can he dissipated under lens magnification. However, in this instance, the manner of dissipation merits qualification. No area of sky gas is dispersed by a lens, but the fact of seeming dissipation is sufficient to establish that the telescopic lens detects nothing but luminous sky gas.
This dissipation in no way implies penetration. It is but a superficial dissipation likened to the dissipation of an impenetrable fog bank experienced on the Earth's surface. Though the fog bank is not to be penetrated by the optic lens, its outer areas may in various manner be dissipated. If the fog bank could be dissipated at our will, it would not be impenetrable. If it could be dissipated in the true sense of the word, we could see beyond it. Therefore, we could not say the fog had been penetrated.
The telescopic lens cannot and does not dissipate sky gas to permit penetration. Were such possible, the land underlying the sky gas would be detected. But since astronomical conclusions do not seem to approximate such reasoning, we will pursue astronomical deduction as the astronomer would have it:
1) This assumed "nebula" mass, which is really sky-gas cloud over a celestial land area, is mathematized as feeing thirty-five hundred million times the unknown Suns mass and weight, assumed to be known through the same abstract mathematical procedure.
2) And the light of such a "nebula" mass can be dissipated, but not penetrated, over a cosmic distance assumed to be only a feeble nine hundred thousand light-years. This impressive astronomical light-year is the distance a ray of light is assumed to travel during the course of our known year of three hundred and sixty-five days while moving at the speed of 186,000 miles eveiy second of that year. That yearly distance is a trivial six trillion miles. Now that single light-year distance need only be multiplied by nine hundred thousand.
Though one cannot possibly conceive a fraction of such distance, one may now easily realize precisely how a telescope lens can detect and dissipate light existent at such distance. One may also have full realization why the lens cannot penetrate celestial sky light.
Caution seems to dictate that one not attempt to visualize such distance or the manner whereby a telescope lens might detect and dissipate light over such an inconceivable dis-tance, yet lack the power to penetrate it. Though there could be double, triple, or a trillion times such inconceivable distance to infinity, there is no lens created and none that could be created to detect light over a distance mathematized as a small fraction of one light-year, to say nothing of nine hundred thousand light-years.
Such distances do not exist for realistic entities in a world of reality. They exist only in and for the abstract Universe of the abstract mathematician.
A ray of light is most factual. A telescope lens is a realistic entity in spite of its inherent error. And the established...
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As it is with the child's mind, so it is with the astronomer's mind, which causes him to express the words curving, wooing, bending, fluctuating, tuad undulating. They should af-ford ample knowledge that creative energy at work does not circle. And they should be a key for understanding that globes or spheres do not comprise the celestial or the terres-trial. Yet, despite the astronomer's broader observation and deeper calculations of luminous celestial sky gases in motion, he demands that unseen mass "bodies" be prescribing all motion, and the wrong motion.
The undeveloped child could be shown realistic pictures of baby delivery and, through domination of the fable, remain ignorant of reality. So It is with the astronomer who, in viewing physical proof at hand of the fallacy of "isolated bodies", persists in clinging to the "star" and "planet" fable. And he makes every effort to fit proofs culled from a world of reality into his world of illusions. The illusory must be preserved at any cost It is the astronomer's truth.
There is not a feature of telescopic observation and photography, and of spectrum analysis, considered applicable to the universe about us which does not apply with equal force and volume to corresponding tests of tne Earth's outer luminous sky surface. Yet ... modern enterprise has established that such absurd features are purely illusory. And they do not apply.
All the fantastic entities assumed to exist throughout luminous celestial sky areas seem to exist in like observation and analysis of the constantly shifting gases of the Earth's sky. And it must never be forgotten that all observations, analysis, and resulting conclusions apply only to the sky-gas energy of celestial and terrestrial sky-ljght areas. There is no application whatever to the land under such sky-light areas.
The cosmic agency which contributes to the many deceptive movements of the least luminous and the most luminous sky areas is responsible for the Light shifts, fluctuations and undulations. And it thereby indirectly governs the resulting grotesque formations so deceiving to the observer. That cosmic agency and creative force, beyond astronomy's embrace, is cosmic-ray activity. It is constantly bombarding every outer sky area of the entire.Universe. The rays have no directional pattern. They are not restricted to any course or channel in their ceaseless movement throughout the infinite realm-of darkness, of which our immediate stratosphere is a part.
Sown by the Master Planter, they are strewn from the Sun's impenetrable crater in a seeming helter-skelter. And in such apparent nonconformity to pattern, they establish the most profound creative pattern. Moving with immunity to man-made laws applied to the Universe, they affiliate with receptive outer sky areas everywhere along the celestial and the terrestrial course. They charge one sky area and supercharge another with their magnetic force. As their force is concentrated on a particular sky area of the celestial or the terrestrial, there is developed within that sky area an unprecedented accentuation of customary motion which befuddles distant observers. In other sky areas, and at the same time, the dispensation of that creative solar energy remains stable in a perfecting balance of the whole Universe sky. But concentration of force upon one sky area exerts a measurable influence on neighboring sky areas. Hence there is produced for the bewitching of mortal mind a unique series of morions within luminous sky areas under observation. But whether such motions are real or fancied, they are always motions of the sky. Never are they motions of the realistic land, which, though unseen, is always present under the sky light.
Reason dictates that one does not erect a roof unless one is to have a house under the roof. The roof is the protecting medium for all the Wood or concrete structure underlying. The roof is symbolic of the structure. And the magnificent but deceptive lights of astronomical observation and record are areas of a creative roof which cannot be seen as a collective and continuous whole for the reasons explained here. Our terrestrial sky covers our room of the Universe House in the same manner as every so-called "star" and "planet" covers the endless celestial rooms of the same house. Our sky, in common with all celestial sky, cannot be observed as a connected unit. It likewise presents to distant observers the identical pattern of varving luminosity and motion that we observe of the celestial sky. The astronomer expresses that factual sky-light variation of the celestial roof as "star magnitude". And that term Is synonymous with "sky-light intensity".
That causative activity, of which so little has been learned, performs other wonders implied by the late Dr. Robert Andrews Millikan's memorable announcement: "Creative Life Force is at work throughout the entire Universe". But the wonders of that Force at work are not to be determined by abstract figures and symbols of figures.
The undeveloped child could be shown realistic pictures of baby delivery and, through domination of the fable, remain ignorant of reality. So It is with the astronomer who, in viewing physical proof at hand of the fallacy of "isolated bodies", persists in clinging to the "star" and "planet" fable. And he makes every effort to fit proofs culled from a world of reality into his world of illusions. The illusory must be preserved at any cost It is the astronomer's truth.
There is not a feature of telescopic observation and photography, and of spectrum analysis, considered applicable to the universe about us which does not apply with equal force and volume to corresponding tests of tne Earth's outer luminous sky surface. Yet ... modern enterprise has established that such absurd features are purely illusory. And they do not apply.
All the fantastic entities assumed to exist throughout luminous celestial sky areas seem to exist in like observation and analysis of the constantly shifting gases of the Earth's sky. And it must never be forgotten that all observations, analysis, and resulting conclusions apply only to the sky-gas energy of celestial and terrestrial sky-ljght areas. There is no application whatever to the land under such sky-light areas.
The cosmic agency which contributes to the many deceptive movements of the least luminous and the most luminous sky areas is responsible for the Light shifts, fluctuations and undulations. And it thereby indirectly governs the resulting grotesque formations so deceiving to the observer. That cosmic agency and creative force, beyond astronomy's embrace, is cosmic-ray activity. It is constantly bombarding every outer sky area of the entire.Universe. The rays have no directional pattern. They are not restricted to any course or channel in their ceaseless movement throughout the infinite realm-of darkness, of which our immediate stratosphere is a part.
Sown by the Master Planter, they are strewn from the Sun's impenetrable crater in a seeming helter-skelter. And in such apparent nonconformity to pattern, they establish the most profound creative pattern. Moving with immunity to man-made laws applied to the Universe, they affiliate with receptive outer sky areas everywhere along the celestial and the terrestrial course. They charge one sky area and supercharge another with their magnetic force. As their force is concentrated on a particular sky area of the celestial or the terrestrial, there is developed within that sky area an unprecedented accentuation of customary motion which befuddles distant observers. In other sky areas, and at the same time, the dispensation of that creative solar energy remains stable in a perfecting balance of the whole Universe sky. But concentration of force upon one sky area exerts a measurable influence on neighboring sky areas. Hence there is produced for the bewitching of mortal mind a unique series of morions within luminous sky areas under observation. But whether such motions are real or fancied, they are always motions of the sky. Never are they motions of the realistic land, which, though unseen, is always present under the sky light.
Reason dictates that one does not erect a roof unless one is to have a house under the roof. The roof is the protecting medium for all the Wood or concrete structure underlying. The roof is symbolic of the structure. And the magnificent but deceptive lights of astronomical observation and record are areas of a creative roof which cannot be seen as a collective and continuous whole for the reasons explained here. Our terrestrial sky covers our room of the Universe House in the same manner as every so-called "star" and "planet" covers the endless celestial rooms of the same house. Our sky, in common with all celestial sky, cannot be observed as a connected unit. It likewise presents to distant observers the identical pattern of varving luminosity and motion that we observe of the celestial sky. The astronomer expresses that factual sky-light variation of the celestial roof as "star magnitude". And that term Is synonymous with "sky-light intensity".
That causative activity, of which so little has been learned, performs other wonders implied by the late Dr. Robert Andrews Millikan's memorable announcement: "Creative Life Force is at work throughout the entire Universe". But the wonders of that Force at work are not to be determined by abstract figures and symbols of figures.
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